Map Info
Map Id
Map Name
Alt HUD Name
Ceiling Color
Floor Color
Sky Texture
Map Music
Set Flag(s) on Load (csv)
Spawn Locations
Floor Wall Ceiling Blocked
Sprite Decorations
Items and Powerups
NPCs and Enemies
Enemies NPCs
Light, Effects and Sounds
Ambient Light Level
Ambient Light Color
Fog Color
Fog Distance
Lights Effects Sounds
Script Editor
A script is a sequence of actions that will occur once some event triggers the script or when one or multiple flags have been triggered by the game. A script can be triggered multiple times, or set to trigger only once.
Script Name
Triggered by Flag(s) (csv)

Script Actions:

Player Definition Editor
Skin Name
Blood Color
Skin Type
Select Token
Sprite Scale
Standing Still State
Forward/South (Required)
West <-
East ->
Walking State
Forward/South (Required)
West <-
East ->
Attack/Firing State
Forward/South (Required)
West <-
East ->
Injured/Taking Fire State (Optional)
Forward/South (Required)
West <-
East ->
Dying State
Forward/South (Required)
West <-
East ->
Default HP
Default MP
Default Armor
Default Move Speed
Default View Distance
Default Weapon(s)
Explosive Power
Explosive Radius
Spawn Cooldown Time (in seconds)
Default Sounds
Sees Ally
Sees Enemy
Joins Party
Leaves Party
Does Not Join Party
Kills Enemy
Taking Damage
Random Banter
Projectile/Ammo Type Editor
Projectile Name
Max Damage
Travel Velocity
(-1 for instant, aka hitscan)
Max Range/Distance
(1 for hit/stab, 0 for infinite)
Ammo Capacity
(-1 for infinite)
Starting Ammo
(when first unlocking this ammo type)
Blast/Splash Radius
Impact Sound
Ricochet Sound
Most appearance parameters will be ignored when ammo velocity is instant (-1/hitscan).
Sprite Scale
Render Z Position Offset
Trail Effects
Sprite Editor
Single Direction
A single sprite texture will look the same no matter which angle the player is looking. For an animated sprite, all images must be on a single long sheet.
Single Direction Sprite
Multi Directional
Supply eight images, that will be shown to the player based on relative direction of the camera.
West <-
North West
North East
East ->
South East
Weapon Editor
Weapon Name
Hand Frames
First frame is used while walking, subsequent frames are used for firing animation.
Fire Frame
Re-Fire Frame
(For Automatic Weapons)
Hand Draw Position
Fire Sound
Drop Item
Cooldown Time
Projectiles per Shot
Sort Order
HUD Hands Scale
HUD Image
Token Sprite Image
(When using My Tokens enemies/npcs download template)
Trigger Editor
Only works on wall tiles
Episode Editor
Your main campaign can be broken up into episodes. When the player starts a new game, they will be presented with a list of episodes to begin with, if there is more than one episode. Otherwise, the first episode will automatically be selected.
Episode Name
Starting Map
Sort Order
Item Editor
Item Name
Can Stack in Inventory (RPG)
Item Inventory Weight (RPG)
Sound Effect
Room Def Editor
Room Name
Wall Texture
Floor Texture
Ceiling Texture
Door Texture
Both Doors and Wall Triggers (ie switches) can be made to require keys. Here you define Keys, then you create Key items by assigning them to Powerups. Powerups can unlock a key for the map, or globally for all maps. You can assign key requirements to door and trigger tiles on the map editor.
Icon Name Color Remove
Collectables are game-level items that can be used to trigger scripts or unlock particular areas of the game. For example, you can have a door or switch that will only operate if you have x number of a certain collectable. They can also trigger a script when the player collects a certain number, like gain 1 life when you collect 100 coins.
Icon Name Script Count Remove
Heads Up Display
HUD Style
Background Color
Foreground Color
Background Texture
Player View Background
HUD Font
Text Stroke Color
HUD Font Preview
Some items are only applicable if they are enabled in the game settings.
Sound Effects
Music Tracks
Primary Game Settings
Game Name
Game ID
If you are using a previous project as a template for a new game, you should generate a new ID so you do not override your previous game in the Raycast Player app!
Game Logo
Game Box Art (square image, no transparency)
Game Version String
Game Description
Ape Market Id
Title Screen Background Image
Title Screen Background Color
Menu Text Color
Menu Text Stroke Color
Menu Text Font
If your game does not rely on lighting or floor/ceiling textures, consider disabling those respective engines to greatly improve performance, particularly on mobile devices.
Level Name/Prefix
Remote Assets Manifest URL
Movement Style
Default Enemy View Distance
Default Sounds
Push Wall Activated
Door Opening
Door Closing
Door Closed
Default Music
Title Screen
Intermission Screen
Story Screen
Default Player Settings
Default Player Skin
Player Stat Style
Player Inventory Style
Default Camera Mode
Starting Weapons
Gameplay Settings
Default Player Move Speed (No Skin)
Image Import

Prepare your texture and click on the images you wish to import.

Single Texture (entire image or animated)
or (texture frame size)
Multiple Textures (texture sheet)
Texture Generator

Choose the parameters for a new engine-generated texture

Base Color
Texture Size
Noise Variance
Noise Size
Image Frames
Inventory Editor
Dialog Editor
Stat Overrides
Sprite Scale Override
HP Override
Move Speed Override